








"Two old men sit on a park bench one morning … with a large, wet nose."

という文章で、"wet nose"のところで東大に似たようなのがあったな、と感じました。






出典はVonnegut Kurt "Tom Edison's Shaggy Dog."です。


「 フロリダの公園に、ハロルドという老人がいた。その老人は飼い犬を連れて公園に来て、自分の過去の栄光を他人に語るのを日課にしていた。しかし、その話は面白くなく、みんなその老人に近づかないようにしていた。その日は普段見かけない老人がベンチで読書をしていて、その人を話し相手に選んだ。しかし、飼い犬が邪魔をして、話をまともに聞いてくれない。その犬はプラスチックが大好きで、靴のところにあるプラスチックに反応して、嗅ぎまわっていた。犬の鼻が濡れていたこともあり、不愉快に感じ、読書していた老人は立ち去ってしまった。」







Two old men sat on a park bench one morning in the sunshine of Tampa, Florida, one trying to read a book he was plainly enjoying while the other, Harold K. Bullard told him the story of his life in the full, round, head tones of a public address system.


Two old men sat on a park bench one morning in the sunshine of Florida resort town ― one trying hard to read a book while the other, Harold K. Bullard, told him the story of his life as a successful businessman in many fields.


Two old men sit on a park bench one morning in the sunshine of Tampa, Florida ― one trying to read a book he is plainly enjoying while the other, Harold K. Bullard, tells him the story of his life.

"in the full, round, head tones of a public address system"という本筋とは関係のないところは両大学ともに削っています。上智大は不要部分を単に削除しているようですが、東大は加筆して読みやすいようにしています。上智大は時制を変更しています。




At their feet lay Bullard's Labrador retriever, who further tormented the aged listener by probing his ankles with a large, wet nose.


At their feet lay Bullard's dog, who further tormented the listener by sniffing at his ankles with a large, wet nose.


At their feet lay Bullard's Labrador retriever, who further bothers the listener by exploring his ankles with a large, wet nose.

 東大は犬が「ラブラドールレトリバー Labrador retriever」であるという情報を削除しています。「足元を嗅ぎまわる」という表現は、原文は"probing"を用いていますが、東大は"sniffing"、上智大は"exploring"に変更しています。




Bullard, who had been, before he retired, successful in many fields, enjoyed reviewing his important past.


Bullard enjoyed reviewing his important past.


Bullard, who had been, before he retired, successful in many fields, enjoys reviewing his past.

 東大は1文目で"a successful businessman"という説明を加筆しているため、ここではその情報を削除しています。上智大は時制を変更している点を除けば、原文のままです。




But he faced the problem that complicates the lives of cannibals, namely: that a single victim cannot be used over and over. Anyone who had passed the time of day with him and his dog refused to share a bench with them again.


But he faced the problem that complicated the lives of cannibals* ― namely: that a (   (A)   ) victim cannot be used over and over. Anyone who had passed the time of day with him and his dog refused to share a bench with them again.


But anyone who has passed the time of day with him and his dog refuses to share a bench with them again.

 東大は"cannibals"という単語に"a person who eats the flesh of other human beings"と注をつけています。また、

 (ア) clever
 (イ) delicious
 (ウ) living
 (エ) single
 (オ) suspicious






So Bullard and his dog set out through the park each day in quest of new faces.


So they set out each day in quest of new faces.


So Bullard and his dog set out through the park each day in search of new faces.





 They had had good luck this morning, for they had found this stranger right away, clearly a new arrival in Florida, still buttoned up tight in heavy stiff collar and necktie and with nothing better to do than read.


They had had good luck this morning, for they had found this stranger right away, clearly a new arrival in Florida and with nothing better to do than (   (B)   ).


They have had good luck this morning; for they found this stranger right away, clearly a new arrival in Florida, with nothing better to do than read.

 両大学とも"still buttoned up tight in heavy stiff collar and necktie"という本筋に関係ない情報を削除しています。東大は





